Saturday, October 18, 2008

Atlanta 10-17-08

So the story with the Atlanta stop is that we had a last minute cancellation in another city and only had four days to secure a venue and promote the show. There was serious doubts that we’d be able to get a decent turnout. Dannemans ( coffee shop, in the old 4th ward, was nice enough to et us use their lovely upstairs space. By 8:30 the place was packed! Caitlin Barrow, the evening emcee, welcomed everyone to the show and introduced Contraverse to the stage. The crowd immediately connected with Contraverse’s positive message and tight flow. As they rocked the mic several folks asked me, in delight, where we found these guys.
After briefly speaking about the seemingly endless war in Iraq I had the pleasure of introducing Doug Ament for the second night in a row. Again Doug’s talk of his experience as a soldier In Iraq was a highlight of the evening.
Hope For Agoldensummer spun gold for the crowds ears once again, to no surprise.
The evening brought out an overwhelming number of young people who where eager to actively alternatives to violent US foreign policy. The majority of attendees at this event signed to take action with GPJC demand that our government end the war in Iraq and not only bring our troops home, but make sure their needs be addressed once they enter the crucial re-acclimation process. We also had several folks approach us about counter military recruitment material and strategy.
Another successful evening with the State Of Change Tour!!!

Tim Franzen
Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition
American Friends Service Committee

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